Impact Update: One Training Multiplies to Hundreds!

ECHO trainees come from all walks of life with a passion to help those around them WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP through agriculture.

Samuel is one of thousands who have been trained by ECHO teams to freely share the knowledge entrusted to them.

My name is Samuel Souleymane. 

I attended the ECHO training in Niger several years ago, around 2015. I am a veterinarian but also have for many years helped the NGO World Renew as a trainer on things like agriculture and animal husbandry. 

Ever since the ECHO training we have adapted much of our agriculture training to include the way that we were taught at ECHO, for example with liquid fertilizer and biothermal compost, along with of course Zai Holes (which we had been doing for years before the training as well). Through the partners that World Renew works with, I have helped train more than 100 villages. I have even trained several Bible schools in agriculture, among other things.

Here is a testimony from a student at a Bible school that I recently trained on agriculture. 

Keche is one of our participants at a Bible School who has received the agricultural training we offer the school’s students. He is taking Bible courses intending to become a pastor and is staying there with his wife and children. The school gives each student a field to help support his or her family. Keche tells us that he benefited from the agricultural training provided by World Renew. 

Thanks to what he learned, he made liquid fertilizer and compost for his field. He also traced out his field and made Zai Holes. In addition, he soaked his grains before sowing.

Keche says, ‘In past years, I didn’t have enough crops, my production only covered needs for 4 months. I went into debt to pay my children’s school fees. Now, thanks to the work I’ve done in my field, my harvest seems to be abundant and will cover our needs for 7 months. Today, even if I must borrow money, it won’t be much. Agricultural training has helped me to overcome certain challenges, such as having enough food and paying for my children’s education.’ 

I (Samuel) have a great desire to continue training others in agriculture and animal husbandry, as well as experimenting with agriculture to the glory of God. 

Thanks to your faithful support over the years, impact like this is possible! This story of shared impact from Samuel is just one of thousands of partners like him!

Please consider how you might help ECHO over the next 5 years to increase this impact! 

Next Story

Options & Solutions, Concieved & Shared

In partnership with the network and farmers

Executive Summary

This document serves as a foundational guide to understanding who we are as an organization and how we aspire to serve the world around us to the glory of God.

Our Vision, Mission, and Motivation

A transformed world honoring God

The Benefits We Bring

These seven unique benefits differentiate us as ECHO, enabling us to meet critical needs worldwide.

Where Do We Work?

Regional contextualization allows us to serve and strengthen our partners with joy!

Impact Update: One Training Multiplies to Hundreds!

ECHO trainees come from all walks of life with a passion to help those around them WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP through agriculture.

Options & Solutions, Concieved & Shared

In partnership with the network and farmers

Five Global Goals

To Defeat Hunger & Improve Lives

Digging Deeper: Goal 1

Goal 1 focuses on increasing the breadth of the network

Digging Deeper: Goal 2

Goal 2 focuses on increasing the depth & success of the network

Digging Deeper: Goal 3

Beyond tools and training, we are providing resources people need to grow a brighter future.

Digging Deeper: Goal 4

Goal 4 will seek to support farmers beyond the farm so sustainable improvement of lives is achieved.

Digging Deeper: Goal 5

ECHO has a history of and is well-positioned to partner in Biblical holistic mission with the global Church

Join Us

ECHO is launching into new regions and developing new partnerships every day. The impact made on smallholder farmers and their families is tangible, real, and is only possible through collaborative support with our partners worldwide... YOU! Consider partnering with us for a greater impact around the world!