Hugo and Elsa came to ECHO Thailand from Sweden to spend a two-month internship learning about faith, work, and community development.
As young Bible School students, they hoped to see
faith in action and were excited to see a practical
application of the principles they had learned.
Neither had any idea of what
to expect. “I thought we
would be digging holes all
day when I heard we would
be working on a farm,” Hugo
shares. “It was a nice surprise
to discover that ECHO
prioritized our learning (not
just our labor!) and the staff
really invested in one-on-one
encounters to support our
personal growth.”
Through connecting with
ECHO partners and staff, Hugo and Elsa gained
a deeper understanding of how agriculture can
improve a family’s livelihood. “One of my favorite
parts of the internship was being welcomed into
workshops and hearing from the participants
about how they are going to use the information
they now have because of ECHO,” shares Elsa.
“I learned that the most modern and complex
methods aren’t necessarily the best and that we
can learn from how nature itself works,” said Hugo,
“And I have been inspired to
research university degree
options in agriculture to see
if God might be leading me
into agricultural community
development ministry!”
Elsa continues. “It was inspiring to see how much time and energy the staff invest in everything. I loved seeing how ECHO is so much more than a place of work; it is where they can serve God and help people.” And so, the ECHO effect continues…through students in Sweden, through staff in Thailand, and through your faithful gifts!