At the historical center of our equipping work is ECHO Development Notes (EDN), an electronic publication which we send quarterly to thousands of people in more than 190 countries, in three languages (English, French, and Spanish). In EDN, we share the most practical information about growing food under difficult circumstances.
Also in EDN are “Echoes from Our
Network”; “From ECHO’s Seed
Bank”; and more. Issues #1-51 were
compiled in the 1990s into the
Amaranth to Zai Holes book, which
is available online for free. ECHO’s second book, Agricultural Options
for Small Scale Farmers, expanded
on the foundation of Amaranth to Zai
Holes by covering EDN 52 through
100, with articles from outside
EDN 158 was just released in January
of 2023 and covers topics such as
“Is Drip Irrigation Right For Me?”;
Options for Storing Grains; Hermetic
Sealing in Haiti; Starfighter Lettuce;
and other resources.
To access EDNs or share them with
someone working internationally,
please visit: